Archive for technology

St Peters WestConnex info map

St Peters WestConnex info map

Okay Everyone, has got its first set of content, but this is the last week of submissions and I need all the support, feedback, and suggestions we can muster! SOURCE INFO: Michael has dug up information from all over the web (Greens website, westconnex action group, etc),…

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PhotoScan Unity 3D scripts and app

PhotoScan Unity 3D scripts and app

Sign up for email updates when things happen on this.  I’ll let you know when the app is released and scripts and tutorials are published. [yks-mailchimp-list id=”941dfeaedd” submit_text=”Submit”] Goals: Apple IOS version of the app. Scripts published, accompanied by  Future: Android version of the app.

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Archaeology Seminar: Making 3D site scans, and making them portable

Archaeology Seminar: Making 3D site scans, and making them portable

Photogrammetry is a method for generating 3D models from images. It can produce fantastic results – models that can appear near photorealistic – and capture not only rock faces and their markings, but fine 3D details and the scale of the site. Recent use of…

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3D Digital conservation tool: “Share View” feature added

3D Digital conservation tool: “Share View” feature added

The 3D ‘digital conservation’ tool I’m working on has just got a new feature: you can share your view with others.  This means you can send a friend or colleague a URL to a particular reconstructed location, and the view will start looking at what…

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Achieving good results with low-poly models

My current project is a fairly large 3D reconstruction of a graffiti site.  I’m aiming to faithfully reproduce the surface image and texture for the entire site, and allow online and tablet users to navigate interactively through it.  Two concerns are the overall size of…

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Move actors Bones in Crysis

Move actors Bones in Crysis

Here’s another FlowGraph Plugin System node. This one allows you to dynamically move actor joints/bones. Could be handy or plugging in Kinect-detected Skeletal data. The code and binaries (/binaries/Bin32/MoveBones.dll and /binaries/Bin64/MoveBones.dll) are available it’s own GitHub repository.

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Kinect Scanning

Nicolas Burrus’s Kinect Website has an updated version of the RGB demo that allows this sort of scanning of rooms…

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Graffiti and Games

Friend, Artist and aspiring Architect Melody Williams has just installed these chalk boxes in Camperdown Memorial Park. See if you can find them and have a draw. The park is located in the centre of Newtown, Sydney’s hip, alternative suburb. A long wall down the…

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Scanning the World in 3D

  In a similar vein to the image-matching against point-clouds that was demonstrated in the Bing Maps TED talk, PhotoCity is aiming to progressively construct a 3D scan of the world. To this end they have released a free iPhone app that displays current scans,…

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Converting PhotoSynths to Dense Point-Clouds

I’ve discussed (with examples of a reconstruction from Newcastle) some of the technologies for doing 3D reconstruction. PhotoSynth is by far the easiest way to get into this, but it is not as powerful as some other options. For example, PMVS2 allows you to reconstruct…

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