Archive for Electronics

3D tracking with Arduino Nano and IMU

What This project is a wireless “heading reference system” that tracks alignment, and a Processing sketch that visualizes it.  My particular version of this gets the volume too and changes the visualization based on that.   It’s based on an Arduino Nano, a Pololu IMU…

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DC Servo Motor controller

DC Servo Motor controller

We’ve been working on a linear actuator motion system and have been experimenting with the RMCS-2207 DC Servo Motor from  It’s a really neat package, coupling together a high-torque DC motor, a gear train, an optical encoder, and a 5v serial-controllable motor controller all…

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I’ve just finished the developing an idea I had a few months ago: the SkypeRobot. SkypeRobot is a nice straightforward solution for telepresence robotics:  all of the point-to-point infrastructure is black-boxed and handled by someone else, as well as the specifics of the video connection.  At it’s…

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