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Lonely Sculpture: Tully Arnot

Lonely Sculpture: Tully Arnot

Product design, coding, and 3D rendering for Tully Arnot’s lonely sculpture work.

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Digital Bamboo workshop: UNSW

Digital Bamboo workshop: UNSW

Consulted on approaches to interactive objects, designed and implemented the final interactive components for the August 2015 Digital Bamboo exhibition using internet-enabled Raspberry Pis, Arduinos, a bespoke bluetooth-based Android app, and a selection of sensors. — Digital Bamboo presents the experimental interactive design works made…

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Horizon: Neil BrandHorst

Horizon: Neil BrandHorst

An ambitious laser control system project implemented through real-time modelling Grasshopper 3D/Rhino, blue-tooth enabled Arduino motor controllers, a bespoke laser-cut and 3D printed servo gizmo, and a modular track system with DC servo motor. The project involved: Developing a generative horizon motion system, and testing the…

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Sound-based light control: Vivid Festival, Louis Pratt

Sound-based light control: Vivid Festival, Louis Pratt

Developed an Arduino-based 72W  fading LED controller.  Pulsing lights were controlled through pitch detection using a Goertzel alogrithm allowing the LED’s pulse speed and brightness to be controlled through singing or humming.  

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fMRI brainscan online visualization: Pearson Lab

fMRI brainscan online visualization: Pearson Lab

Developed an online streaming fMRI brainscan visualisation tool for the Pearson Lab, UNSW.

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