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Face tracking/ID system: Abdul Abdullah

A realtime face tracking system, that uses cloud-based AI face identification tools to figure out age, gender, expression, etc.

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Geophone build: Linda Dement

Geophone build: Linda Dement

A portable, battery powered geophone (24 hour batterylife), outputting wave files to a USB thumbdrive.

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VR conducting tool: Carly Vickers

VR conducting tool: Carly Vickers

Unity/Oculus Quest-based VR tool for recording music conducting gestures, 2020.

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Facial Recognition Visualisation: Jason Wing

Facial Recognition Visualisation: Jason Wing

Using OpenCV in C++ to visualise the Haar Cascade visual recognition algorithm.  Inspired by Adam Harvey’s CV Dazzle project, for Jason Wing’s work in the Up in the sky exhibition at Penrith Regional Gallery and the Lewers Bequest. 2017 Media: Contemporary artists pay homage to Tracey Moffatt’s Up…

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Choreographed Roombas: Rirkrit Tiravanija

Choreographed Roombas: Rirkrit Tiravanija

IR camera-tracked Roombas choreographed to vacuum a text on the gallery floor.  (OpenCV, hardware design + implementation, Unity). 2017 Exhibition images

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Nervous Plant: Tully Arnot

Nervous Plant: Tully Arnot

Code consultation, 2014.

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UNSW 360 Tour: Papermoose

UNSW 360 Tour: Papermoose

Web, Cardboard, and GearVR platforms supporting an interactive 360 video experience created by Papermoose. 2016. External Link 360 Tour

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CBA Experience: Papermoose

CBA Experience: Papermoose

Underlying platform for a network-distributed, multi-machine interactive video experience, and back-end scripting interface. External Link

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Air System: Emily Parsons-Lord

Air System: Emily Parsons-Lord

An arduino-based gas relay timer system for air delivery. 2016.

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Glitterbox: Roslyn Helper

Glitterbox: Roslyn Helper

An ipad-based bespoke song-selection app, triggering 240v relays for the fans of the glitterbox. 2016.

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